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Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:57 pm
by {UFP}Chris5626
Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

I spoke briefly to a member of your diplomatic staff on the Lotus Fleet forums and as a result was eager to meet more members of the 9th Fleet.

At this time we would like to offer an official invitation to the membership of the 9th Fleet to come and visit us on our website in the hope that we can get to know one another better.

Please feel free to get involved in any discussions, introduce yourselves, join us in our chat room and game with us on our server.

About the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Founded in May 2002 the {UFP} currently contains approximately 150 active members from around the world. The {UFP} is dedicated to peaceful co-existence with its neighbours in both the Star Trek and wider gaming community.

By default any clan or organisation we encounter is deemed as neutral. This means that although we are aware of the clan or organisation in question and may have engaged in contact or other activities with them we have no official ties to them and there are no treaties in place between us.

The {UFP} enforces a Code of Conduct (CoC) which all {UFP} members are required to follow, this is to ensure that every member gets the best possible experience from their {UFP} membership.

At present there are two different career paths open to {UFP} members. Those wishing to play current Star Trek games start off as a Cadet and go through training at the Starfleet Academy, after completing their Academy courses succesfully they will be promoted to an officer. Those wishing to join for the upcoming Star Trek MMO (Star Trek Online) will start their career off as an Enlisted Crewman and will not be required to go through the Academy.

{UFP} members have the option of playing any of the supported games, regardless of their career path. They may also join any of the {UFP}'s seven gaming divisions. These divisions are:
The Starfleet Falcons (Bridge Commander),
The Starfleet Ravens (Elite Force),
The Starfleet Raptors (Armada),
The Starfleet Vultures (Starfleet Command),
The Starfleet Harriers (RPG-X Elite Force mod),
The Elite Strike Force*,
The Star Trek Online Division.

*The Elite Strike Force (ESF) currently requires additional training and testing to join.

Members may also request to join any of the {UFP} Departments (Starfleet Academy, Embassy, Internal Affairs, Engineering Corps and Herald Newspaper).

If you would like to learn more about the {UFP} then please feel free to ask any of our members directly or to pay a visit to our website



Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:10 pm
by F9thIntercity125
Hi Commodore, and welcome to the 9th Fleet... nice of you to drop by. I believe the one you want to talk to is Commodore Sochin, he deals with all the diplomacy (I think) :?

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:21 pm
by F9thRyker
Good to see you, welcome to the forums!

I look forward to long and fruitful relations between our two fleets - Sochin, its your round :)

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:26 pm
by F9thSochin
Good evening Commodore I believe you may have spoken to Captain Gibbs. I will post on your forums this week.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 6:28 pm
by 9thGibbs
Sochin I believe there are two UFP's one [UFP] and the other {UFP} I have talked to the first one.

And welcome Commodore.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:29 pm
by arma358
I think that this was partly my fault. Posted on a UFP topic talking about Admiral Mullary or something of the sort.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 7:37 pm
by F9thCenturus
Hello Commodore. I'm Commodore Centurus, the 9th Fleet's unofficial dockmaster, and resident lunatic. Welcome to the forums.

May I ask, was Cpt. Hooker from the BC Modeling Community part of your ranks once? With the rise of STO groups and duplicate fleetnames, it's getting very difficult to keep track of who is who.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:11 pm
by {UFP}Chris5626
Pretty sure Cpt. Hooker has not been a {UFP} member.

Yes it was arma358 I spoke to on the Lotus Fleets in Admiral Mullaly's thread. Hello again.

Alas yes to make matters confusing there are two 'UFP' clans. The short version is that our {UFP} was founded in 2002, their [UFP] was founded as a result of a merger between two other clans in 2006. We don't have any issue with the membership of [UFP] although we don't recognise their claim to the 'United Federation of Planets' name since we were already using it when they adopted it. As a result we have no formal relations with them.

To be honnest though a name like the United Federation of Planets is always going to be a popular one in the field of Star Trek gaming so I am surprised (pleasantly so) that there aren't dozens of them around. I think it says something very good about the Star Trek gaming community.

So whilst I am here, how are things with the 9th Fleet at the moment? arma358 mentioned about his detachment had been made a squadron. I hope plenty of others are doing well.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:16 pm
by {UFP}Chris5626
Appologies where are my manners? Had all of you say hello and didn't return it. Hello to all of you nice to meet you and Admiral Ryker I do like your avatar. Always did enjoy a bit of Star Trek humor.

Perhaps you may find this amusing if you have not already seen it (appologies might take a little while to load).

One of our members uses it as a secondary sig. Cracked me up the first time I saw it.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:17 pm
by F9thIntercity125
Well, yeah... Arma's got himself the 'Rolling Thunder' Sqaudron, which is Ogame (If you don't play it yet... you should!)
We got our Bridge Commander division, very active (Is it called Angry Eagles, I can't be sure)... Our SFC division, and the South wing. oh yeah, and we got RP division...

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:38 pm
by 9thGibbs
That gif always cracks me up thanks for posting it!

Also Intercity the Angry Eagles name was the squadron name for the Bridge Commander division back before it was a division you mite see the same happen with ogame as well.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:07 pm
by {UFP}Chris5626
Always nice to meet people that like the good old Ambassador class as well.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 6:06 pm
by {UFP}Tethys
Hello 9th Fleet comrades!

Just stopping by to say that I am also one of the Ambassadors, but I handle more of the Bridge Commander area of the {UFP}. I am also the CO of that division within the {UFP}. You can find me on BC every once and a while when I'm not posting my little heart out on the forums trying to make the Falcons (BC Division) bigger and better for the enjoyment of all :)

So with that said, I would like to extend greeting to all of the 9th Fleet and her sister fleets to come by the {UFP} site and post greetings. Thanks and take care everyone! I will be in and out ;)

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:30 pm
by {UFP}Chris5626
Hi all. Appologies for not being around much recently things have been very busy in the {UFP}. How are things going with the 9th Fleet? Well I hope.

Re: Greetings from the United Federation of Planets {UFP}

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 6:06 pm
by F9thCenturus
We're plugging along with Ogame and some of us are gearing up for an upcoming SFC3 campaign. :-D How are things in the {UFP}?