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Introducing.. Tdari

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2013 1:32 am
by Tdari
Hi guys hope this is right here.. at least i think I clicked the right link^^

So I'm 32, RL-name is Max, I live in Berlin, Germany and I study math (right now writing my thesis so I'm a bit pressed for time ;) )

-Bevor STO I played only like the first ST-game every, Judgement Rights or something like that ;)
-I dont play any other MMOs like WoW or something, Trekkie forever;)
-Me and some of my friend play a self designed pen and paper ST-RPG (when we find the time which is not so often)
-I love STO so i'm a LTS, I have a small FED fleet with some RL-friends (currently at T3, which I guess is not so bad for 2.5 people^^)
-I'm @johnsteward ingame
-I'm grateful to have found such a nice and well organized fleet as yours after getting like 100 invites to 2-people fleets
-I love Starcraft (2, already preordered HotS)

-Mostly I play PvE but I have no fear for a PvP challange just never had a team large enough to try because well I dont see the point without all players being on TS
-I played Omega-Day for much to long. Its kind of like Ogame I guess. I was leader there for like many years, always ranking first or second, always having the biggest fleet and stuff but after a while the game lost too many players so its not worth my time anymore, as sadly as it is. Also I was in the Team there helping design the future features and patches of the game but with such a stupid owner that that also, while being a lot of fun, just ended in me being dissapointed, so also not worth my time anymore and so... here I am ;)

I do a little programming whenever I have time to if there is a need for some small tool, just ask. I wrote my own STO combatlog parser because ACT was to slow for my taste, so If there is need for something like that here, just ask.

Oh I have 2 KDF-chars, Tdari my sweet little Orion girl and an big fat Liberated Klingon but hes just like lvl 26 or something, didnt have time to lvl to 50 right now and not sure i ever will cause well, liberated Borgs dont really fit with Klingons in at least my opinion. Guess I wait and see what the may update has in store for the KDF before deciding his fate.

TDari currently uses the veteran ship and the Bortasque and i have a Brell class but didnt have time to fit it with the right stuff so its just sitting in the hangar most of the time ;) And thes like T5 in say 1 week at most I hope, at both omega and romulan repu stuff.

Well I guess thats enough for now ;) Thx again for the invite and have fun boys n girls ;)

Re: Introducing.. Tdari

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 1:05 am
by Maxwell
Well, we're sure glad to have you on board! Welcome to STO's greatest fleet, hope to share some PVE with you soon!

Maxwell, 1st Squadron Executive Officer

Re: Introducing.. Tdari

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:47 pm
by apollox
Welcome to the Ninth. I will sort out your permissions ASAP.